It takes times and procedures to train the inter-disciplinary talents .
The parable of the talents contains a timely warning for the gold market .
Several professors suggested that the economics profession may no longer attract such talents .
In due course zoroaster 's theatrical talents came to christians via the jews .
From lucian freud to roald dahl , creative talents have long been rejecting honours from the queen .
The loose technological immigrant policy also aimed at collection of excellent talents from countries .
Mr. spielberg 's battle to fund his new venture shows the challenges that even top hollywood talents are facing .
This may explain why many artistic talents and innovative thinkers have emerged from non-academic backgrounds and why they frequently forgo conventional ways of learning .
If the answer to each of these questions is at least partly yes , that may mean no more than that mr godley was a man of several talents , many interests and an intelligence to make good use of them .