Maybe they give in , and the pendulum swings back into sweetness .
His sesame chicken tastes like the american shopping-mall version , with a comforting sweetness .
That first sip of soda really is delicious , catching our tongues by surprise with its bubbly sweetness .
She must have known sweetness and radiated joy , there on the baltic shores .
If they are harvested too early , they will not have enough sugar . But carrots loose their sweetness if you wait too long to pull them from the ground .
A fizzy kind of sweetness bubbled up - as if the openness of her face had opened something in me .
Loaded with the sweetness and goodness of grapefruit and cranberry juices , it is sure to please your mom .
It 's there in the internal contradiction of her name : " lady " with its suggestions of gentility , sweetness , high breeding ; " gaga " with its intimations of infantility , madness , antic spirit .
For even when deloris is shimmying in a leopard miniskirt in the show 's opening number , ms. miller somehow exudes sweetness and sincerity . This makes the heroine 's transition from sassy sinner to sympathetic musical instructor less outlandishly funny than it was in the movie .