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所属分类: CET4

summarise 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

The decline and fall of the american car industry is relatively easy to summarise , and the hummer is its reductio .
When james tobin won the nobel memorial prize in 1981 , a journalist asked him to summarise his research in simple language .
To summarise at the beginning of a task / situation you have to consciously think about it but with repeated action teams of neurons form at an unconscious level .
To summarise , human beings have suites of genes that probably cause their brains to be " plastic " and thus receptive to change far longer ( to the age of about five ) than is true for chimps or monkeys ( whose brains are plastic for less than a year after birth ) .
Find more than one way of getting your point across and summarise frequently .
One way to summarise their relationship is that he is the dreamer , and she is the pragmatist .
Messrs johnson and kwak deftly summarise this history before moving on to their description of how modern wall street-the most powerful and concentrated financial sector in the country 's history-both created the financial crisis and ensured a bail-out for its own benefit .
Its title was " the magical number seven plus or minus two : some limits on our capacity for processing information " and in it miller set out to summarise some earlier experiments which attempted to measure the limits of people 's short-term memory .