We only wish that it would show you if you were already subscribed to the various folks it finds .
You can change this by going to that profile , and clicking the " subscribed " button .
Although you 'll need to be subscribed , a . Zip file with the subquery stored procedure variations is available .
With each person that visited the blog , the ones who were interested in personal growth and conscious living stayed on and subscribed to the newsletter .
Unsubscribe to the stores you gave your email address to over the holidays and to the sites you subscribed to but don 't continue to add value .
Once subscribed , select " translate into my language " from " feed settings ...... " and the feed will be automatically translated to the best of google 's ability , based on your default language preference .
In the case of readers digest , the key thing that changed was the makeup of who was reading magazines . Most of the people ( and it was a lot of people ) who subscribed to the digest didn 't read other magazines .
Oliver & ohlbaum , a media consultancy , began by asking people what newspaper they tended to read and whether or not they subscribed to it ( most get their papers from shops ) .
The official media reported in september that a tax bureau in the northern province of shaanxi funded a tax publication by telling businesses that unless they subscribed , the bureau would not handle their tax submissions , while any business failing to hand over tax would be heavily penalised .