

subcontinent 次大陆
subcontinent 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The burmese government considers the rohingya to be illegal immigrants from the indian subcontinent .
- 缅甸政府将罗兴亚族视为来自印度次大陆的非法移民。
- His preoccupations include family , railways and the indian subcontinent .
- 他的文章关注的对象包括家庭,铁路,印度次大陆。
- Yet he was not the first to bring this knowledge from the subcontinent .
- 然而,他不是第一位从印度次大陆把这个知识带到美国的人。
- For instance gay sex is a criminal offence across the indian subcontinent .
- 例如,在整个印度次大陆,男同性恋都是一种刑事犯罪。
- Early forms of this annual flowering plant were first found in the ancient world on the indian subcontinent .
- 这种年度性开花植物的早期原型在古代世界的印度次大陆第一次被人发现。
- By the 17th century the middle kingdom and the subcontinent were the planet 's trading powers .
- 到17世纪,神州大地和印巴次大陆成为这颗星球上的贸易列强。
- The growing importance of the subcontinent for wealth managers is underlined by the findings of the report .
- 对财富管理机构而言,该报告的调查结果突显了南亚次大陆与日俱增的重要性。
- His ambition to reopen former trade routes across a peaceful indian subcontinent is laudable .
- 但他雄心勃勃,试图重启通往印度次大陆和平的和谈之路,值得为之喝彩。
- As independence dawned , few would have bet on a future of peace for the subcontinent , let alone prosperity .
- 虽然国家独立了,但是没有人能够保证这块次大陆有一个和平的未来,更别提富足幸福了。
- But for millenniums , the distinct regions of the subcontinent developed ingenious ways to manage their water , and they prospered .
- 但数千年依赖,次大陆的不同地区都以有独创性的方式来管理水源,而且他们获得了成功。