Fac 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Fac shall be issued within 7 days after receipt of the notice by the employer .
- fac应在业主收到通知后7天内签发。
- That camp also included the featured artists coalition ( fac ) , including annie lennox , rowntree and pink floyd 's nick mason .
- 反对阵营还包括艺人联盟(fac),其旗下的成员包括annielennox、rowntree和pinkfloyd的nickmason。
- There was significant difference in the fac tors of food dangers including microbes , heavy metals , pesticide and insecticide , between different manufacture techniques .
- 食品危害因素中,微生物、重金属、农药及杀虫剂使用残留、各种生产工艺造成的食品不合格存在显著性差异。
- The research indicaes that the degeneration of ecological environment results from natural fac tors and irrational man-made activities as well , and puts forward the rational way of improvement and reconstruction adapt ing this area .
- 研究结果表明,生态环境的退化是自然因素和不合理的人为活动影响的结果,根据生态环境现状与成因提出了适应本区生态环境治理与重建的对策。
- The letter and the consensus reached by fac come just days ahead of the closing of the government 's consultation on how to tackle online piracy , which was sparked by june 's publication of the digital britain report .
- 此信和fac达成的共识出现于政府咨询怎样打击盗版会议结束前几天,该会议是由六月出版的数字英国报告所引起的。
- A conviction for a crime involving violence or threats could result in your being refused a firearms acquisition certificate ( fac ) or licence for the use of a firearm , such as a hunting licence .
- 与暴力和恐吓有关的犯罪记录可能会导致你无法申请持枪证(fac)或者是使用枪械的执照,比如说打猎的执照。
- The fac gives a brief description of the target to be attacked . This helps to give the cas aircraft an idea of what ordance he will use .
- 前沿空中管制官简单描述要攻击的目标。这将帮助近距离空中支援飞机的飞行员选择使用的弹药种类。
- The creativity cycle and the organiz ation cycle are the two important fac tors that affect the creative powers of teach-ers at colleges and universities .
- 创造力的生命周期与组织的生命周期是影响高校教师创造力的两个重要因素。
- This paper describes strategic selection of adaptive control , puts forward convergence rate as evaluation fac tor , and introducesa new and practical method .
- 本文阐述自适应控制策略的工程选择。提出收敛速度等评估因素,介绍新方法的实用性。
- In its statement last night the fac , expressed support for allen and condemned " the vitriol that has been directed at her in recent days " .
- 昨晚fac的声明对艾伦表示支持,同时谴责“近来对她尖酸刻薄的批评”。