stylistics 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Teaching students stylistics by using integrated skills of english is elaborated from four aspects of phonetics , words , syntax and discourse .
- 阐述了通过《综合英语教程》,从语篇的语音、词汇、句法和篇章四个层面进行文体学的教学实践。
- Introduction and application of english stylistics .
- 英语文体的介绍与欣赏。
- On pluralism and complementarity of stylistics analysis of english and american fictions .
- 论英美小说文体分析中的多元性与互补性。
- The emergent cognitive stylistics ; and the audience studies that have dominated .
- 认知文体学的应急和观众已经占主导地位的研究。
- Some issues in the study of language stylistics .
- 试论语言风格学研究中的几个问题。
- This essay mainly studies the linguistic features of news english on stylistics .
- 本文主要在语体方面研究新闻英语的语言特征。
- Analysis on fidic contract features in terms of functional stylistics .
- 从功能文体学角度分析fidic合同特点。
- On the restrictions of linguistic contexts to tour guide speech ------ from the view of functional stylistics .
- 论言语语境对导游词的限制以功用文体学为视角。
- Literary stylistics ; style ; style translation ; .
- 论风格翻译的文学文体学途径。
- The 60s was the golden age of the study of language varieties , and 70s was the prosperous times of literary stylistics .
- 60年代是语体学研究的极盛时期。70年代是文学文体学的兴盛时期。