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storyline 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

In the storyline , an astrophysicist in india discovers that a huge solar flare is causing the temperature of the earth 's core to spike .
I 've been skeptical about the klaus storyline for most of the season and I still think parts of it dragged on far , far too long .
The storyline might be convoluted but the moral is clear : " life , " ms sun intones , " is a university with setbacks . "
A vivid backdrop and intelligent storyline , laced with a visceral physicality , make " the finder " a masterly read .
For a movie that theatrically shows the last hours of former south korean dictator park chung-hee 's life , I was taken by surprise by the dark humor and great storyline that made this movie highly entertaining .
The player becomes the heroine and chooses an ideal mate from several " knight in shining armor " characters , developing a relationship through the choices they make in the storyline .
And so it happens that when the storyline of the movie starts , he is now plying his trade in sierra leone , of all places !
With feature films , there is a process of getting to know each other , so I like to make sure the actors have their own personality in the film , but at the same time I am very in control so that they serve the storyline and the mood .
Toss lots of silly ideas , characters and jokes into the mix , then go back and see which ones strike the funniest chord and can be developed , exaggerated , and manipulated into a sustainable storyline .
Ruthlessly summarised , the book 's storyline goes like this . The " dazzlingly lovely " genji , son of the emperor and one of his lower-grade consorts , is irresistible to women .