

n.仓库( storehouse的名词复数 );货栈;知识宝库;知识丰富的人

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What also may be hard for this american crew to imagine is that other shipments of corn - genetically modified , just like the corn in countless us products - is rotting in storehouses in zambia while the people there go hungry .
This includes a decline in the efficiency of the mitochondria , the energy storehouses of living cells , as well as damage from oxidative stress , the result of oxygen-containing molecules that are produced during cell metabolism .
You can still see them in the surrounding countryside , serving as barns or storehouses .
Opened in 2008 , the svalbard vault is a backup for the world 's 1750 seed banks , storehouses of agricultural biodiversity .
Mr. llewellyn says belgian customs officials recently raided one of his storehouses and seized his chemicals , threatening to use environmental laws to shut him down .
Even where supermarkets and storehouses are well stocked , fuel is required to deliver goods the final mile they must travel to the people who need it most .