The european central bank ( ecb ) regards its recent decision to buy spanish and italian bonds as a stopgap until the expanded efsf is up and running .
Cooper expects congress to do what it has done many times in the past - come up with a stopgap measure and defer significant decisions until six months or more into the future .
The royal british legion , an armed-forces charity , points out that the afcs was only meant to be a stopgap until the old war pensions scheme could be properly replaced .
" People have to make compromises , " says von wachter , which often means taking a stopgap job with a less glamorous employer , and trying to switch careers or switch employers later on .
Lee charles kelley , a dog trainer who writes a blog for psychology today called " my puppy , my self , " says medications should be used only as a stopgap . " We don 't even know how they work in people , " he said .