

organised 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Attempts to stop piracy often take the form of organised publicity campaigns rather than legal action .
- 打击盗版经常采取有组织的宣传活动的形式,而不是法律诉讼。
- If the ralliers are organised and passionate , they are especially suspect .
- 当集会者是有组织的并且充满激情时,政府就更加怀疑了。
- Privatisation and the breaking up of statutory monopolies has reduced rent-seeking by organised groups of public employees .
- 私有化和打破法定垄断,减少了有组织的公共雇主群体的寻租行为。
- Amaranth traded natural-gas futures on an organised exchange whereas ltcm mainly operated in otc contracts .
- amaranth在有组织的交易所进行天然气期货交易,ltcm则基本上做otc交易。
- Eu officials ( and most bulgarians ) believe that organised crime reaches the highest levels of government .
- 欧盟官员(大多是保加利亚人)深信在有组织的犯罪已经深入政府高层。
- In western europe , organised christianity often acts as a modest voice in the ranks of the egalitarian left .
- 在西欧,有组织的基督教常常在主张平等主义的左派阵营中发出温和的声音。
- Some among mr assad 's diverse opponents advocate building a well-equipped and organised rebel army to confront the regime .
- 反对阿萨德的各种势力中有人倡导建立装备精良、有组织的反对派军队以抵抗政府军。
- Crucially , most protests lack the sort of support from organised labour that crippled greece this week .
- 关键的是,大部分的抗议活动缺少本周使希腊经济陷于瘫痪的有组织的工人们的支持。
- It is responsible for more so-called " mega events " than just about any other organised activity .
- 它不同于任何其它有组织的活动,更多地是一种所谓的“大型活动”。
- The 500 note was withdrawn by banks in britain after police said its main use was in organised crime .
- 英国的银行收回了500面额的欧元,因为警方称这个面额的钞票主要被用于有组织的犯罪。