steadiest 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Perhaps this is the smoothest and steadiest sleep in this unfamiliar city .
- 也许,这是他们在这个陌生的城市睡的最安稳的一次。
- They moved with the steadiest of pace , their agile limps more akin to that of a wild animal , as were their senses .
- 他们与步伐steadiest感动,他们的敏捷瞅着更接近的野生动物,因为是他们的感觉。
- It 's also much more precise than even the most skilled doctor with the steadiest hand .
- 它甚至比经验丰富、手法高超的医生更准确。
- Daykin looks about ten years younger than kearns and he appears to be one of the steadiest of men .
- 迪肯看起来要比卡恩斯年轻十岁,且非常稳重。
- While we darent say that the truck of this brand is matchless in the world , any driver concerned would say : " this is the steadiest and best truck I 've ever driven . "
- 本品牌的卡车不敢说举世无双,但司机会告诉你:“这是我开过的最稳、最好的卡车。”
- In the delta town of rome ( population : not listed on the census website ; churches : four ) , homes are modest , sometimes tumbledown , cars rust in backyards and the steadiest jobs are at a nearby jail .
- 在三角洲地区的罗玛(人口未被统计,共有四所教堂),这里住户生活困难,有时甚至面临破败危险,通常汽车都会在后院生锈,而对于当地人来说,最稳定的工作就是附近的一所监狱。
- The steadiest institution is still harvard business school , which took the top spot for the fourth year in a row .
- 最稳定的一家仍然是连续第四年拔得头筹的哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)。
- They priority to foster boys because boy is the steadiest member in famliy .
- 他们首先培养男孩,因为男孩是家庭中最稳定的成员.
- Haven 't I inherited the steadiest head in clayton county ?
- 难道我没有继承克莱顿郡那个最冷静的头脑吗?
- Your singing made the steadiest sailor stray .
- 你的歌声让最坚定的水手都要迷航。