

n.牛排( steak的名词复数 );肉排;鱼排;碎牛肉(不是最佳部位,常剁碎出售,可以炖或做馅等)

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After a lifetime carrying the heavy burdens of oppression they can all relax , throw a few steaks on the barbecue and swap torture stories .
Mass-market retailing has changed the publishing industry : these days books are as likely to be found beside steaks and saucepans as they are to be bought in specialist stores .
Instead of throwing burgers or steaks on the grill , why not pick up a few fresh eggplants from the local farmers market ?
Commercials for the lodge , in dallas , boast that its customers enjoy " women , manly steaks , cigars , and women . "
Mr warner nonetheless says customers are trading down , abandoning steaks in favour of cheaper cuts of meat such as shin . He is selling many more vegetables and fruit at a discount .
Use a little bit as a marinade for steaks and not only will it make themunbelievably tender , it 'll also provide a hint of deep , smoky flavor .
Thus , while a fatty diet and smoking may mean early death for one man , another can puff away , gorge on steaks and banana splits and still live to a ripe old age .
Nevertheless , even in iraq steaks , squash and fresh romaine lettuce are brought miles across the dangerous desert so that the troops can eat hearty , healthy food .
Fear not : the malbecs and steaks are still affordable , and the fashion and nightlife scene remain one of the best in south america , or anywhere in the world .
There is a natural control group ; many okinawans fled to brazil and hawaii after the second world war , where they switched to a meatier diet of steaks and burgers .