v.(指钱,财产等)浪费,乱花( squander的过去式和过去分词 )
squandered 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- It is sub-saharan africa 's fourth-largest producer of crude oil but much of its revenue is spectacularly squandered .
- 赤道几内亚是撒哈拉以南非洲的第四大产油国,但其最令人注目的是其对收入的浪费。
- As champion he earned more than $ 1 million but squandered it .
- 作为冠军他赚了超过一百万美金,但都被他给挥霍掉了。
- Government sucked up private savings by taxes and squandered them maintaining an obsolete structure of production .
- 政府通过税收来吸收个人存储并且挥霍这些税收来维持已过时的生产结构。
- Whether the breathing space thus granted would be used wisely or squandered is another matter .
- 无论是如此承认的呼吸空间会被明智地使用还是被大手大脚地挥霍掉将是另一回事。
- Likely donors still fear that too much of their cash would be stolen and squandered by mr mugabe 's entrenched cronies .
- 捐助者仍然可能担心他们的钱会过多地被穆加贝先生势力稳固的老朋友们窃取并挥霍。
- This capital should not be squandered on reliance on a media-savvy communication culture .
- 这份资本不应因依赖于高明的媒体传播之道而浪费掉。
- They pass their political supremacy today having squandered the fat years and the golden opportunities .
- 他们浪费了好的年代和黄金机会,今天交出了他们在政治上的权力。
- For decades they squandered this cognitive surplus watching television .
- 数十年来人们消磨了大量时间看电视。
- Not all the gains of the celtic tiger years were squandered .
- 并非所有凯尔特虎时期的成就都被挥洒殆尽。
- Lin could have squandered the opportunity and we would have never have noticed .
- 林书豪如果搞砸了这次机遇,或许我们就永远不会注意到他。