Worst cases can lead to recession or the dreaded " stagflation " , when inflation soars and growth sputters .
As the world economy sputters , the political pressure for protectionism is high .
When banks , institutional lenders and other big-money investors all grow cautious , the rest of us have a hard time borrowing and the economy sputters .
Still , mr. mcclure and other investors said a talent acquisition that offers a modest payoff is better than no deal at all if a start-up sputters .
Well , it 's not supposed to be disposable , but evidently the kitty 's solar charger sputters out after 500 uses or so .
To be sure , google could be hurt if the economic recovery sputters and the u. s.slides into a double-dip recession .
When this process is impaired , in particular when the financial system extracts more value than it channels to investors and entrepreneurs , projects go unfunded , innovation sputters and economies stall .
But while the cost of action will be great , I can assure you that the cost of inaction will be far greater , for it could result in an economy that sputters along for not months or years , but perhaps a decade .
Even if this matrix of humanity sputters in advertising and marketing , it 's bound to spawn new industries in consulting , education , collaborative design , market research , media and loads of products and services yet to be imagined .