Luxury-car dealers in london and posh estate agents in paris must be spluttering .
Even germany 's export engine is spluttering : shipments fell in february and again in march .
People thought the spluttering sound could help drive away evil spirits .
President barack obama has called for a new comprehensive infrastructure plan as part of efforts to jump-start the spluttering us economy .
The old gentleman in the corner of the carriage was spluttering with indignation at something he was reading in his newspaper .
A phrase such as that will get some managers spluttering with indignation .
The indian economy is slowing and spluttering , and will continue to do so for some time .
He says he finds it difficult to find good buys in the us , where he has " concerns related to the dollar and the spluttering economy " .
Once this might have had official france spluttering with indignation .
With unemployment running at 9.6 per cent and the economic recovery spluttering , more than 80 per cent of voters cited concern about the direction of the economy as their primary worry , according to exit polls .