

n.栓,龙头,套管( spigot的名词复数 )

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The central bankers have promised that once the global economy gets back on its feet , they will shut off the spigots quickly enough to forestall inflation .
In america the federal reserve opened the spigots , and the dollar 's reserve-currency status gives the country unusual fiscal latitude .
If mr. lee 's conservative allies lose power , the ruling liberal parties may open up the aid and money spigots to the north .
U. s. stocks are closing in on record highs , thanks in large part to the federal reserve and other central banks around the world , which have opened their spigots of cash to juice economic activity .
Then , loans outstanding soared from 13 % year-over-year growth in summer 2002 to 23 % in summer 2003 as banks opened the lending spigots .
Treasury secretary henry paulson and other federal officials argue that billions of dollars of fresh capital will allow banks that have been crippled by soaring defaults and other losses to reopen their lending spigots .
The hkma has taken various measures over the past two months to loosen the spigots ; the latest , last week , was another issue of special notes to use as collateral .
It was at that point that the fed turned on the monetary spigots to try to combat an economic slowdown .
Still , as the global money spigots continue to tighten , the u. s. and other debtor nations will be forced to look for investors wherever they can find them .
South korea is among the world 's biggest importers of liquefied natural gas from the persian gulf , and the country 's engineering conglomerates have built most of the middle east 's refineries and network of spigots in the desert .