
adj.快的,快速的,迅速的( speedy的比较级 )
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- They have called for the speedier adoption of measures to address the inadequacies of education , health and infrastructure .
- 他们呼吁加速采取措施解决教育、卫生和基础设施不足的问题。
- That means bold use of fiscal and monetary policy , speedier restructuring of industries suffering from chronic overcapacity and a strategy to position tokyo as a global hub of fashion , finance and design .
- 这意味着要大胆运用财政政策和货币政策,加快调整饱受长期产能过剩之苦的各个产业,树立把东京定位为全球时尚、金融和设计中心的战略。
- The brain changes coincide with improvements in spatial memory and speedier foraging skills , which might help a mother rat protect and feed her young .
- 大脑的这些改变与空间记忆的增强和觅食行为的加快相吻合。这些都将帮助母鼠保护和喂养她幼崽。
- But relying on html5 also meant facebook didn 't make more fully-featured and speedier apps to run on android or ios operating systems .
- 但由于依赖html5,facebook没有开发出运行于安卓及ios系统之上、功能更全面、速度更快的应用。
- The trouble is , economists have struggled to establish a strong link between freer capital flows and speedier economic development .
- 问题是,经济学家们绞尽脑汁,也未能确定更自由的资本流动和更快速的经济增长之间的必然联系。
- The geography of some countries is better suited to it than others : population centres in america could be brought far closer by speedier train services , for example .
- 一些国家的地形比另一些国家更适合高铁:如美国各个的人口聚集中心可能就会因为有了更快捷的铁路服务,彼此之间的联系更加密切。
- That would stop britain from causing trouble , and negotiations among 17 countries may be speedier than among 27 .
- 这样,英国就不能找麻烦了,而且17个国家的谈判比27个国家谈判要更快。
- But mounting evidence suggests the third-generation iphone 's main improvements include a digital compass , an improved digital camera with video-recording capabilities and auto-focus , and a speedier processor .
- 但是越来越多的证据表明,第三代iphone将会包含一个数字指南针,改善数码相机的视频录制功能和自动对焦功能,采用更快的处理器。
- Had policymakers focused on the income-based measure , their reaction might have been speedier and better informed .
- 如果决策者们根据收入来衡量经济活动,他们的动作也许会更加迅速和可靠。
- Speedier and cheaper connections will boost internal trade and encourage global ties .
- 更迅捷与更廉价的通话连接将促进国内贸易并激发全球贸易链。