



soya 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Mr maggi 's family company is the world 's biggest soya producer .
- maggi的家族公司是世界上最大的大豆生产商。
- As for soya , the relationship is even more indirect .
- 至于大豆,这种关系就更不直接了。
- In the case of soya , competition for land is the main concern .
- 以大豆为例,对土地的争夺成为主要的问题。
- Sophisticated diners insist that soya is scrumptious , but others vehemently disagree .
- 食家坚持说大豆很美味,可是其他人却强烈反对。
- Natural oestrogens known as phyto-oestrogens are also present in many plants including soya .
- 包括大豆在内的许多植物都含有被称为植物雌激素的自然雌性激素。
- By moving northwards into the amazon basin , soya farmers are also driving ranchers deeper into the rainforest .
- 随着北移进入亚马逊河流域,种植大豆的农民正在将大农场深入到雨林深处。
- The most popular crop is soya , while the most common modification is tolerance to herbicides .
- 最受欢迎的转基因作物是大豆,而最常见的基因改造是对除草剂的耐受性。
- Since farmers first planted gm soya in 1996 , engineered crops have steadily conquered america 's vast farmland .
- 自从1996年美国农场首次种植了转基因大豆起,经过基因工程改造的作物逐步占据了美国广袤的农田。
- The shift is partly fuelled by major producers in the us and brazil growing altered foods , such as soya and maize .
- 这种变化部分原因是由于生产大豆、玉米之类转基因食品的美国和巴西的主要生产商引起的。
- Brazilian companies that produce soya , sugar cane , corn and cotton were sniffing out investments in tanzania earlier this year .
- 今年早些时候,巴西生产大豆、糖、茎状物、谷物以及棉花的企业嗅出了坦桑尼亚的商机。