Using sorption curves allows individual nutrients to be applied at rates that will provide plant available nutrient levels at adequate amounts throughout the growing period , but not at toxic levels .
Determination of total content of mercury in soil sample by high temperature pretreatment-cold vapour atomic ab sorption assay .
Womb excision is postoperative , is abdominal cavity inner wound suture sorption difficult to still have a thrum , is critical ?
Effect of organic matter on the sorption of dissolved organic and inorganic phosphorus in lake sediments .
Sodium carbonate in the fixed and fluidized beds was used as the sorbent to capture carbon dioxide and to examine the effects of carbon dioxide sorption capacity and the regeneration of sodium carbonate sorbent in different reaction conditions .
I bleed according to the eye ground having sorption slowly , the course of treatment defers , complication is more , cause rates blind high characteristics , I and the family all bring about extremely large effect as well as the person falls ill to the patient .