Closeted gays find it harder to socialise with colleagues and build informal networks .
In one rare example , the director had even tried to build social capital but failed : she threw a pizza party for parents to socialise and almost none of them attended .
Used to a school system which emphasises rote learning , they often struggle to participate in class discussions , and don 't socialise with their western peers .
Like it or not , most of your firm 's clients are male , so you should start learning how to socialise with them by practising with your colleagues .
Far better to let children openly join facebook and create a safer environment for them to socialise in .
Though blacks and whites rub along amicably enough in the workplace , they still mostly live , socialise and worship separately .
Professor vigdor claims home computer access is damaging because students are easily distracted and end up using their time to socialise and play games .
This would indeed socialise debt , but only partially and temporarily .
Meanwhile , in the financial sector , bonuses have gone to old-fashioned speculators who bet with leveraged money , knowing the state will socialise their losses .