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- Like most korean conglomerates , sk group has been placing increasing emphasis on corporate social responsibility programs in recent years .
- 像大部分韩国大企业一样,sk集团已经将近几年增长的重点转向社会责任项目方面。
- Here the cost is split between the government and sk telecom the corporation leading the project in mr. lim 's area .
- 在这里,成本有政府和韩国电讯分摊,后者为主导本地区的公司。
- Sk communications co. operates a personal website system called cyworld that is hugely popular in south korea .
- sk通讯运营着一个叫做赛我网(cyworld)的社交网站系统,在韩国非常受欢迎。
- One of the more recent projects conducted by sk group was a school founded in january 2010 in collaboration with the seoul city government .
- 一个最新的由sk集团住到的项目是在2010年1月和首尔政府新建一所学校。
- It is open to all sk telecom customers and by year-end will be accessible to customers of rival carriers using smartphones , a spokesperson said .
- 它面向所有的sk电信用户提供服务,并且借助运营商到年底将很容易争取竞争对手的智能手机用户,一位发言人说。
- Sony ericsson is working with sk telecom , south korea 's biggest telecom operator by subscribers , to offer the handset for about $ 729 .
- 索尼爱立信正与韩国用户最多的电信运营商sk电讯(sktelecom)合作,以约729美元的价格销售这款手机。
- Samsung is working with mobile operator sk telecom co.to offer the tablet computer in south korea starting next week .
- 三星电子与移动运营商sk电讯(sktelecomco.)携手,将于下周在韩国推出这款平板电脑。
- Thin-film solar panel maker heliovolt corp. , a solyndra competitor before the latter shut down , has collected a $ 50 million investment from south korean conglomerate sk group .
- 薄膜太阳能板制造商heliovoltcorp.是solyndra公司破产前的竞争对手,其已从韩国企业集团skgroup获得5000万美元的投资。
- Sk communications said that intruders accessed systems containing its main databases on tuesday , obtaining names , email addresses , phone numbers and resident registration numbers of its users .
- sk通讯说,黑客周四侵入了包含主要数据库的电脑系统,获取了用户姓名、电邮地址、电话号码和身份证号码等个人资料。
- Sk telecom , south korea 's biggest wireless operator , plans to commercialize lte services in the second half of 2011 in seoul , and help establish a nationwide network by 2013 .
- 韩国最大的无线通讯运营商sk电讯,计划2011年下半年在首尔推出lte商用服务,并将推动在2013年底前建立一个可覆盖整个韩国的lte网络。