
sickles 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Sickles
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- Someone said , " if we start using the sickles on each other , we will miss the real harvest . "
- 有人曾说:"如果我们彼此不和睦,就无心收割庄稼了."
- I bestow upon the goodly workers the blessings in gratitude , that there were reapers who stood by their sickles when the crops were threatened and the forces of nature would send them to a helloding .
- 我以感谢之情授予那一些良善的工作者以祝福,当庄稼受到威胁的时候,有一些拿着镰刀袖手傍不雅的割取者,自然力将给她们一番狠击。
- Obviously as main battle tanks , hammer tanks lack anti-air capabilities and are vulnerable to anti-tank infantry and aircraft if unsupported by sickles or bullfrogs .
- 很明显,作为主战坦克,铁锤坦克缺乏防空能力,在没有镰刀和牛蛙护驾时,易受反坦克步兵和空军的袭击。
- Kolkata ( once calcutta ) was his showpiece , the only big indian city in which , from 1977 to 2000 , red flags flew , and hammers and sickles graced the walls .
- 加尔各答是他的实践样本。1977年到2000年间,加尔各答是印度唯一座满城红旗飘扬、墙上锤子镰刀的大城市。
- So all israel went down to the philistines to have their plowshares , mattocks , axes and sickles sharpened .
- 以色列人要磨锄,犁,斧,铲,就下到非利士人那里去磨。
- Of course , it was only in the wizarding world that he had money ; you couldn 't use galleons , sickles , and knuts in muggle shops .
- 当然,他的钱只能在魔法世界里使用,你不能在麻瓜的商店里用加隆、西可和纳特买东西。
- In autumn , after the paddy rice became the rice , on the boundless and broad fields , there still were some residual fragmentary rice panicles which were ignored in a hurry by the sickles and the language , just as the stars which had dropped from the sky were golden yellow and bright .
- 秋天,当水稻裸成大米以后,一望无际的空旷上还零星的残留着一些被刀和语言匆忙忽略的稻穗,仿佛天上掉下来的星星,金黄,锃亮。
- They shout , holding up their rusty sickles . " There is no water ! "
- 他们手举着锈迹斑斑的镰刀,大声呼喊着:“没有水了!”
- All they can do is yell or congregate on fairways brandishing their sickles .
- 他们只能大声抗议,或者是聚集在球道上,挥舞着手中的镰刀。
- Sickles have ablind spot directly behind them where infantry are almost impossible to take out and terror drones can easily slip in .
- 镰刀有一个盲点就在它们的正后方,这个点对于步兵来说几乎是没法利用的,不过对于恐怖机器人来说却是轻而易举。