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- It can also affect garden shrubs , such as rhododendron and camellia .
- 它也影响公园内的灌木,如杜鹃和山茶花。
- It was dead but stood out amongst the other trees and shrubs .
- 这棵树已经死去了,但是它仍然矗立在其他树木和灌木丛中。
- In worm-free woodlands leaves pile up in drifts on the forest floor . Trees and shrubs in wormless places depend on litter for food .
- 在没有蚯蚓的林地里,落叶成堆地堆积在森林的地表,树木和灌木丛依靠枯枝落叶层生长。
- After buying thenford in 1976 , heseltine turned to the king of trees and shrubs , harold hillier .
- 1976年买了thenford之后,赫塞尔廷曾向树木和灌木之王哈罗德希利尔(haroldhillier)求助。
- In summer they wander northwards , taking their reindeer with them , across a landscape of boggy ponds , rhododendron-like shrubs and wind-blasted birch trees .
- 夏天他们赶着驯鹿向北迁移一路上穿过沼泽区、杜鹃花似的灌木丛和被风吹打的桦树。
- Teams of gardeners are putting the finishing touches to manicured lawns , palm trees , tropical shrubs and paved walkways .
- 修剪整齐的草地、棕桐树丛、热带灌木带和平整的人行道边,一队队的园艺工人正为之做最后的扫尾工作。
- Each planter has been adopted by a household ; his only disappointment is that they haven 't been filled with shrubs big enough to hide the parked cars .
- 每个花架都由一个家庭认领;唯一让他失望的是,这些花架尚未被满足够大的灌木填满,以挡住停放的汽车。
- Densely vegetated in shrubs known as scaevola frutescens , the seven site site is where the partial skeleton of a castaway was found in 1940 .
- 人们曾于1940年在“七点”地区灌木中茂密生长的scaevola紫苏中发现过部分遇难者骨骼。
- He also advises against letting shrubs grow taller than four and a half meters .
- 他还建议不要让灌木的生长高度超过4.5米。
- Mangrove forests are typically made up of trees , shrubs , and palms that have adapted to the harsh conditions of high salinity , warm air and water temperatures , extreme tides , muddy , sediment-laden waters , and oxygen-depleted soils .
- 红树林一般由树、灌木丛和棕榈组成,这些都适应高盐度、高潮湿和高水温,猛烈潮水,泥泞,含沙水和缺氧等恶劣环境条件。