

shrubby 灌木的
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- Foraging behavior and dietary preference of wuxue goats on karst shrubby grassland of west hunan .
- 喀斯特灌丛草地武雪山羊的觅食行为与喜食性。
- Monthly changes in caloric values of five shrubby palmae species leaves .
- 五种丛生状棕榈植物叶热值的月变化研究。
- Small tropical shrubby tree bearing small yellowish fruit .
- 灌木状热带小型树种,黄色小果实。
- Shrubby clematis of the eastern united states having curly foliage .
- 有卷曲叶子灌木状铁线莲,生长于美国东部。
- Shrubby california ash with showy off-white flowers .
- 灌木状的加利福尼亚木,开引人注目的乳白色花朵。
- Shrubby of southwestern united states having fragrant flowers .
- 美国西南的灌木状木,开芳香花朵.
- Small shrubby african tree having compound leaves and racemes of small fragrant green flowers .
- 非洲一种灌木状的小树,有复式叶片和小而芳香的绿色花朵的总状花序。
- Small shrubby north american wild cherry with small bright red acid fruit .
- 北美小型灌木状野生樱桃树,果实小且酸,亮丽的红色。
- Low shrubby pine of central europe with short bright green needles in bunches .
- 欧洲中部一种低矮的灌木状松树,二针一束短叶,亮绿色。
- Fruit dehiscent capsule ; plants herbaceous to shrubby .
- 果开裂的蒴果;对灌木状草质的植株。