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shantung 变化形式

易混淆的单词: Shantung

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And there are many similar instances in hopei and shantung provinces .
The japanese imperialists then occupied tsinan , the provincial capital of shantung , and cut the tientsin-pukow railway line to check the northward spread of british and american influence .
It was reported during a recent severe winter in shantung , that the keeper of an inn in the city of wei hsien refused to allow several travelers who were half dead with cold to enter his inn , lest they should die there , but turned them into the street , where they all froze to death !
Militarily he concentrated his forces on the eastern and western flanks of the liberated areas that is , the shantung liberated area and the shensi-kansu-ningsia liberated area in an attempt to carry out " attacks against key sectors " ; and again the outcome was complete failure .
Although chiang kai-shek 's offensive continues in southern and western shantung , in the shensi-kansu-ningsia border region , along the northern section of the peiping-hankow railway and in southern manchuria , it has become much feebler than it was last autumn .
Turn all your rear-area work over to the shantung sub-bureau .
In early october the shantung army of the eastern china field army started an offensive against the enemy in eastern shantung .
The germans are in shantung and eye the northwest provinces .
The germans are in shantung and eyed the northwest provinces .