英音  [ˈʃeɪmɪŋ]    


v.使蒙羞( shame的现在分词 );玷辱;使感到羞愧;使相形见绌

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But enough of shaming revelations , we will draw a veil over that speed awareness workshop .
Public shaming might be effective during mao 's era , but it appears much less so now .
It would be interesting to know what the people who gather to watch the shaming parade think about it .
Its proponents , however , point to the shaming statistic that aborigines on average die almost 11 years younger than other australians .
One in seven adults lives below the official poverty line ; for children it is one in three , a truly shaming statistic .
Mr bush should offer deeper cuts in farm subsidies than he has been willing to discuss so far , shaming the europeans and others to greater openness .
If naming and shaming is not enough to push governments into reform , the commission has powers to recommend sanctions , enforceable unless a weighted majority of ministers blocks them .
It was a shaming moment that neither of us ever quite forgot , but once it had passed and we had gone back to our usual roles , taking life lightly , we relaxed .
Tellingly , mr monti has signed up to a letter sponsored by britain , the netherlands and other liberal countries urging stronger enforcement of single-market rules , including the naming and shaming of countries that fail to abide by commitments to open up energy and services .
The " naming and shaming " of large companies that had abused their reputations by mis-selling products has probably been the most effective regulatory action the financial services authority has taken in support of consumer protection .