There is no room for complacency on this issue , or dismissal because the problem is not considered to be on a significant scale it involves servitude , and therefore the devastation of human lives .
At the helen bamber foundation we provide psychological care and treatment to survivors of torture , genocide and those who have suffered gross human rights violations including those who have been trafficked for sexual exploitation , domestic servitude and forced labour .
In the 19th century it was called indentured servitude .
In april the senate voted in favor : " neither slavery nor involuntary servitude ...... shall exist within the united states ...... "
I can imagine the accusations of our grim philanthropists , if they should happen to read these lines . I want to pass the workers off as rich and the bourgeois as poor , to prolong the happy servitude of the former and the power of the latter .
India 's evil caste system remains entrenched in spite of government efforts to uproot it , a racist system that condemns darker skinned indians to a life of penury and servitude .
These uses of animals are so institutionalized , so normalized , in oursociety that it is difficult to find the critical distance needed to see themas the horrors that they are : so many forms of subjection , servitude and - inthe case of killing animals for human consumption and other purposes - outrightmurder .
The implication seems to be that the securities industry is bankrupting american families just so it can force its children into indentured servitude as investment bankers .