

schwann 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Conclusion sis compounded crude schwann cells was able to achieve the outcome of auto-nerve grafting and was a promising replacement graft .
- 结论sis复合雪旺细胞粗制品修复周围神经缺损可达到自体神经移植的效果,有望替代自体神经移植。
- Inducing effect of schwann cells on differentiation of bone marrow stromal stem cells into nerve tissue cells .
- 施万细胞对骨髓基质干细胞向神经组织细胞分化诱导的作用。
- Conclusion : schwann cells have normal morphologyand grow well in the tissueengineering nerve .
- 结论:本实验的组织工程神经中雪旺细胞形态正常,生长良好。
- In 1838 theodore schwann and matthias schleiden proposed that the cell was the basic functional unit of all living things .
- 1838年,theodoreschwann和matthiasschleiden提出,细胞是所有生物的基本功能单位。
- Schwann cell and tissue engneering of the peripheral nerve .
- 雪旺细胞与周围神经组织工程。
- Interaction between schwann cells and osteoblasts in vitro .
- 神经鞘细胞和成骨细胞的在体外的相互作用。
- Objective : to explore the effects of schwann cell transplantation on the plerosis of injured midbrain neuron .
- 目的:探讨施万细胞移植对损伤的大鼠中脑神经元修复的影响。
- Schwann cells play important roles in the development , function and regeneration of peripheral nerves .
- 雪旺细胞对末梢神经的发育、功能和再生起着重要作用。