- 能够侵入大脑解并解码我们想法的机器充斥在科幻小说中,而科学似乎也正迎头赶上。
- Science fiction is full of machines that can peer inside our heads and decipher our thoughts , and science , it seems , is catching up .
- 最近几年,互联网也拥有了备受欢迎的小说体裁,而且这里的书店藏货丰富:科幻,恐怖,侦探,青春浪漫,而最赚钱的则是儿童们的故事。
- In recent years , the internet has popularized genre fiction , and bookstores here now stock the whole gamut : science fiction and fantasy , horror , detective , teenage romance and , most lucrative of all , children 's stories .
- 所以,盗梦者科布先生,你的工作是科幻电影,那什么是科学?
- So , dream thief mr. cobb , what about your job is science fiction and what 's science ?