
n.脚手架( scaffold的名词复数 );<史>断头台
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- But meyers discovered that the foam is actually a complicated network of tiny scaffolds and thin membranes .
- 但梅尔发现这泡棉是由细小的支架和薄膜构成。
- The scaffolds can also incorporate nano-sized fibers , providing a new range of mechanical and biological properties , ameer said .
- 迷尔说在支架也可以将纳米纤维体现一系列新的机械和生物学特性。
- The new process creates scaffolds that are highly flexible and can be tailored to degrade at varying speeds depending on the recovery time expected for the patient .
- 创造的新工艺具有高度灵活性和支架可以量身定做以适合不同降解速度恢复时间将取决于给病人。
- The new scaffolds , created from a combination of ceramic nanoparticles and elastic polymers , were formed in a vacuum through a process termed " low-pressure foaming " that requires high heat , ameer said .
- 迷尔说新支架创造了结合陶瓷纳米颗粒和弹性聚合物通过形成过程在真空中被称做“低压发泡”要求高热量。