Dr vergnolle therefore equipped both lactococcus lactis and lactobacillus casei with the gene that encodes elafin and let the bugs loose on mice with inflamed bowels .
Inject the gene that encodes it into a particular muscle and you can affect that muscle and no other .
However , the gene that encodes this receptor comes in two varieties .
A gene is a piece of dna that encodes a protein molecule .
Myc encodes a protein called a transcription factor that is another part of the dna-regulation system .
In britain a new scheme called touch2id encodes fingerprints and proof of age on a smart sticker that is to be attached to a mobile .
Encodes a valid xml local name by replacing characters that are not valid with escape sequences .
It is the particular sequence of the nucleotide blocks along the molecule that encodes the genetic information .
In this formulation , the instantaneous state of a quantum system encodes the probabilities of its measurable properties , or observables .
Myc encodes a protein called a transcription factor that is another part of the dna-regulation system . This particular transcription factor is involved in the expression of about 15 % of human genes .