This aggressive type of humor is used to criticize and manipulate others through teasing , sarcasm and ridicule .
If strongly negative comments , sarcasm and contempt emerge more than sparingly , the relationship is almost certainly doomed .
But maybe sarcasm is generally one of the traits he loves about you ( just not directed at him all the time ) .
Suggestions and offers of help were turned aside with sarcasm and insults .
If she disagrees with you , she lets you know - usually with sarcasm or a putdown .
Many ordinary people , I 've found , refer to it reluctantly , and often with sarcasm .
It flees from an atmosphere filled with blame , anger and sarcasm and grows in an environment of respect , acceptance and honesty .
Researchers have recently made strides in teaching machines to recognise such sarcasm , as well as double meanings or cultural references .
In fact if I were a philosopher , one of the distinctions that would interest me most is the difficulty that artificial intelligence programs have in recognizing sarcasm and irony .