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v.创始人( founder的现在分词 )

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But her proven protean persona notwithstanding , ms huffington must now perform her greatest reinvention yet , helping turn round the foundering aol .
The mises institute was indispensable for rescuing the modern austrian movement that had been initiated by rothbard in 1962 and by the early 1980s was manifestly foundering .
Just before last year 's copenhagen summit , it enacted an emissions-trading scheme just as an australian attempt to do the same was foundering .
In europe and the united states , the end of fiscal stimulus has left communities and industries foundering .
But the bill risks foundering over the ambition of the outgoing government of the conservative national action party ( pan ) to clean up mexico 's powerful trade unions .
That lifeboat won 't be launched in britain in the near future , unless there is very clear evidence that the recovery is foundering .
As a journalist , I would witness my share of the software world 's inexhaustible disaster stories - multinational corporations and government agencies and military-industrial behemoths , all foundering on the iceberg of code .
The obama administration 's push for high-speed trains is foundering , as congress moves to clamp down on funding and a showcase california project encounters new hurdles .
He presents himself as a sound manager who can turn the economy around , citing his 15 years as boss of bain capital , a private-equity firm , and his success in righting the foundering salt lake city olympics .
Yesterday , gk butterfield , a north carolina democrat who sits on the house energy committee , acknowledged that the bill was foundering and said obama would need to make a personal appeal to ensure the bill 's passage .