sampan 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- A sampan collided with a speedboat off lantau island yesterday afternoon .
- 昨日中午一艘快艇在大屿山对开海面,同一艘舢舨相撞。
- I decided to take part in the single sampan contest at the sports meeting .
- 我决定参加运动会的单人舢舨比赛。
- Causeway bay typhoon shelter is more one containing a special " sampan restaurant . "
- 铜锣湾海旁更有一个避风塘,内有特别的“舢舨餐厅”。
- While , sentinel out of the sampan gestured to them to exit the mine , along the waterway toward their terminal security .
- 一会儿,哨兵出来,向舢板打手势,要他们退出雷区,顺安全水道靠向码头。
- Then they rowa sampan to this pearl farm .
- 然后划艇来到珍珠养殖场。
- The desk is my sampan .
- 课桌是我的舢板。
- Two sea miles away from the island , sampan pulled into the minefield .
- 距岛两海里,舢板驶进了雷区。
- He was the sampan man , the only one who had fallen into the water .
- 他就是摇这舢板的,只他一个人落水。