
adj.含盐的( salty的最高级 );咸的;粗俗的;猥亵的
saltiest 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The dead sea is the saltiest lake in the world .
- 死海是世界上最咸的湖.
- Which sea is the saltiest in the world ? Why ?
- 世界上哪个海最咸,为什么?
- As the world 's saltiest large body of water , averaging a salt content six times higher than that of the ocean , it supports no life .
- 作为世界上最咸的大水域,其平均含盐量是其它海洋的6倍以上的,任何生命都无法在此生存。
- He said his aim is to deliver an environmental message highlighting the plight of the world 's lowest and saltiest body of water , which is rapidly drying up .
- 他说他的目的是要传递一个环境讯息,以此来强调世界上最低最咸的水体所处的困境,因为这水体正在迅速的干涸。
- Where is the saltiest lake in the world ?
- 世界上最咸的湖泊在哪儿?
- The only way to reconcile these two pieces of evidence , the team says , is to assume that water on mars was very salty -- as salty as that in the saltiest lakes on earth -- and thus would have resisted freezing .
- 研究小组称,把两条证据协调起来的唯一办法就是:假设火星当时的水含盐量特别高,相当于地球上最咸的咸水湖的含盐量,这样就有可能抗拒冻结。
- However , it is not the saltiest lake in the world .
- 然而死海并不是世界上最咸的咸水湖.
- The dead sea is the saltiest sea on the earth .
- 死海是地球上最咸的海。