
n.招呼( salutation的名词复数 );致意;致敬;信函中的称呼语
salutations 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Mininni interviewed many yoga instructors for the emotional toolkit , and they said that the best poses to reduce depression and anxiety are sun salutations .
- 为写作《情绪工具箱》这本书,米尼尼采访过很多瑜珈指导师,他们说减少抑郁和焦虑的最好姿势是阳关的问候。
- To begin the class , the instructor may lead you through a series of poses like sun salutations to warm up your arms , legs , and spine .
- 上课初期,教练会让你做一系列姿势,比如拜日式,作为热身,活动开手臂、腿部和脊柱。
- Downward dog for back pain , sun salutations for an energy boost - yoga has become the workout for a healthy mind and body , and is the exercise of choice for endless celebrities including brad pitt and jennifer aniston .
- 像狗一样下腰来缓解背部疼痛,向太阳致敬来提高能量储备瑜伽已经成为对身心健康有益的一项训练,也是包括布拉德皮特和詹妮弗安妮斯顿在内的无数名人对运动的选择。
- After greeting the inhabitants of planet earth with salutations in a dozen languages , he waxed poetic about leica 's commitment to excellence , and included a simple summation : " our precision . Is . Perfect . "
- 在用不同的语言跟来自世界各地的人们打过招呼后,他称赞了徕卡致力于追求卓越的努力,并用一句话做了总结:“我们的精密度是完美的”。