The sachets , which cost just cents each , have saved millions of children with diarrhoea from dying .
Zhao the governor is forced to drink " perfume " daughter sachets crown prince , please .
According to buddhism , sachets have the functions of exorcising evil spirits .
It sells 70 % of its shampoo in one-use sachets for the equivalent of a couple of cents .
In fact , sometimes when you calculate , you may discover that the free tea leaves sachets are included in the cost of the tissue roll .
The in-betweeners two jars of chickpeas , 20 bars of soap , three packs of cigarettes and six sachets of shampoo-all these items and more are in stock at a village store five hours away from the indian city of hyderabad .
A nearby village may have fodder strewn all over its alleys and mice scuttling across shampoo sachets in the local store , but it also has satellite dishes poking up from the roofs and power metres on the wall of every house .