

v.阴谋破坏(某事物)( sabotage的第三人称单数 )

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Until ron artest either helps the lakers defend their title or sabotages their effort to do so , the bold decision to sign him with money originally earmarked for trevor ariza will continue to be discussed and debated .
And this , in turn , slows , sucks the life out of , or sabotages the execution of the company 's strategy .
Yet the whole strategy of moralistic fiscalism potentially sabotages the good intentions .
Most of the news was alarming : a higher risk of miscarriage , a greater chance for birth defects , a significant probability that one fetus sabotages the other .
But ever since the first philosophers of ancient greece and rome , a dissenting perspective has proposed the opposite : that it 's our relentless effort to feel happy , or to achieve certain goals , that is precisely what makes us miserable and sabotages our plans .
The bane of post-menopausal women , repeated waking in the middle of the night sabotages your sleep in two ways : it prevents you from achieving deep , restful rem sleep ; and the lost hours of sleep cut into your beauty rest .
And no question , nothing sabotages your budget like an illness or other health problem , especially one that affects your ability to carry out your everyday obligations .
But the cost in case of emergency caused by artificial sabotages shall firstly be defrayed by the aforementioned special account , and shall be recovered from the violators .
Whoever sabotages broadcasting stations or telegraph , telephone or other communications equipment and thereby endangers public security shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than seven years or criminal detention , if serious consequences have resulted , the offender shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than seven years .
Article 118 whoever sabotages any electric power or gas facility or any other inflammable or explosive equipment , thereby endangering public security , but causing no serious consequences , shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than 10 years .