
n.转滚法(用旧债券购买新债券)( rollover的名词复数 )
rollovers 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Clearly a large amount of credit card rollovers had been substituted by non-card credits during the period , and this trend has continued since then .
- 明显地,期内一大部分的信用卡转期金额被非信用卡贷款所取代,而且这趋势至今仍然持续。
- He offered flash " rollovers " as one example of ui design that was incompatible with the ipad 's touch-interaction model .
- 他以flash的“滚动”(rollover)功能为例说明它的用户界面(ui)设计和ipad的触摸感应模式不兼容。
- Delivery , settlement date and rollovers : customer acknowledges that the purchase or sale of a currency anticipates the accepting or making of delivery , though in most cases the accepting or making of delivery will not actually occur .
- 交付、交割日与延期:客户承认,对外汇的购买或出售将会引起接受或进行交付,尽管在大多数情况下,此等接受或进行交付将不会实际发生。
- Dale cautions that massive debt rollovers generally slow economic growth by sucking liquidity out of the financial system , " diverting incremental credit from productive enterprises . "
- 戴尔提醒称,巨额债务展期会从金融体系吸收流动性,“从而分流面向生产企业的增量信贷”,一般情况下会导致经济增长放缓。
- Loan rollovers give banks time to earn their way out of trouble , setting aside profits from good loans before they recognise losses on bad ones .
- 延期还贷给了银行挣钱的时间来从麻烦中挣脱出来,在他们承认呆坏账损失前先预留出从优质贷款中赚取的利润。
- Settlement date ; rollovers ; delivery .
- 交割日、延展、交付。
- Instead , they will remain a chronic affliction which the state and its banks will try to ameliorate over time with a combination of government-orchestrated rollovers , repression and repayment .
- 相反,他们将持续成为一种长期苦恼,国家及其银行将通过政府主导的延期付款、压制以及偿还的组合以尝试逐步改善。