Overheated rodents knocked off after only 3 hours .
Some groups robbed the stores completely , occasionally killing and eating the rodents .
While the rodents would be treated as pests anywhere else in the world , here they are offered food and shelter .
Which they interpreted to mean that these rodents were more confident and less anxious than those not fed lactobacillus .
It is also linked to disruption in brain chemistry and in female rodents accelerated puberty .
A protein encoded by the sirt1 gene has been shown in laboratory experiments to help slow the aging process in rodents .
Mice bred to have extra copies of the rogue gene were healthy but ate more and became heavier than normal rodents .
Experiments on rodents affirmed that the location and shape of things we see are replicated in v1 .
Researchers in shanghai identified the human bacteria linked with obesity , fed it to mice and compared their weight gain with rodents without the bacteria .