American thanksgiving is often seen as a sort of bizarre jingoistic rite by those outside the us .
Unlike many other forms of faith protestantism has no mystical rite to absolve sin .
Traditional marriage has evolved from a near-universal rite to a luxury for the educated and affluent .
Following divine liturgy this sunday we orthodox will celebrate the forgiveness vespers with the rite of mutual forgiveness .
A federal law and various state equivalents indeed ban female circumcision , whether performed as a religious rite or not .
In many african countries , male circumcision is a rite of passage , sometimes with dire or lethal results .
The main rite of passage in a young south korean man 's life is his two-year period of compulsory military service .
Unlike many other forms of faith , protestantism has no mystical rite to absolve sin .
Horn-honking had become a symbolic rite , evoking the function once filled , in the world of physical reality , by use of the brake pedal .
Many people seem to think they must endure a " rite of passage " which , once passed , will allow them to do the kind of work they want to do . Then they end up disappointed that this day never comes .