ri 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Ri president-elect john kenny welcomes the spouses .
- 国际扶轮社长当选人约翰肯尼欢迎扶轮配偶们。
- No successor was immediately named for mr. ri .
- 朝鲜没有立即任命李英浩的继任者。
- Members are appointed by the ri president .
- 成员是由国际扶轮社长指派。
- North korea watchers are also focusing on who will replace mr. ri as army chief of general staff .
- 朝鲜的观察人士也在关注谁会接替李英浩担任朝鲜人民军总参谋长一职。
- North korea attributed mr. ri 's departure to illness , though few outside observers buy that .
- 朝鲜称李英浩被解职是因为健康原因,不过几乎没有外部观察人士相信这种说法。
- But no matter who assumes mr. ri 's position , the nation 's hard-line stance is unlikely to change .
- 但是无论谁接替了李英浩的职位,朝鲜对外的强硬立场不太可能改变。
- Ri president wilfrid j. wilkinson greets rotarians at the presidential welcome reception at the international assembly .
- 国际扶轮社长魏京森在国际讲习会的社长欢迎接待会迎接扶轮社员。
- With no further explanation about ms. ri , outside analysts are left to guess about the broader significance of her sudden appearance and the official acknowledgement of her by the north 's state media .
- 由于官方没有对李雪主的情况给出进一步解释,外界分析人士只能从多方猜测她突然亮相、朝鲜官方媒体予以正式承认的意义。
- Ri : what are living conditions like in missionvale ?
- 国际扶:布道谷的居住环境如何?
- Shenzhen baoan district ri rosy business .
- 深圳市宝安区石岩红润商行。