

v.(使)旋转( revolve的过去式和过去分词 );细想

revolved 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Go back and think of your accomplishments as a child . What kind of skills and interests revolved around your accomplishments ?
It revolved around handsome young men - dressed up gaudily , highly trained in seduction , paid to lounge around in special bars .
Prior to british control in the nineteenth century , political developments in the area largely revolved around the formation , development , and contraction of a number of states -- a situation that often entailed much population movement .
Galileo 's long-running feud with the roman catholic church over whether the earth revolved around the sun ( the copernican view advocated by galileo ) or the sun around the earth ( the aristotelian view echoed in the scriptures ) seemed amicably resolved by 1632 .
And at the conclusion of the recent g20 global economic summit , the us president , barack obama , reported that the discussions there had revolved around the question , " how do we achieve greater global growth ? "
But even here , conversations seemed tense . Most revolved around what to do with the little ones when they hit kindergarten age , how to deal with family members who worry that breastmilk won 't provide enough for the babies and horror stories of state hospitals and schools .
Their comments largely revolved around ways that my words and actions had made them feel uncomfortable or destabilized , or devalued .
The case of ltcm , for example , revolved around a stricken hedge fund that was plainly the centre of the market 's difficulties .
The applications revolved around presence , interaction and experiences with the city , though many of the techniques and technologies could be adapted to other scenarios .
Looking back at my emotional eating years , it is obvious how much I had struggled with food , how much of my life had revolved around food , and how all of that was entirely unnecessary .