
revisionists 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

There are nutty revisionists and deniers who feel the whole thing ( and subsequent moon landings ) were completely contrived , but I know what I saw .
Lu chuan , the film 's director , has received death threats and accusations of being a traitor and a stooge for japanese revisionists .
The revisionists , the right opportunists , pay lip-service to marxism ; they too attack " dogmatism " .
The revisionists deny the differences between socialism and capitalism , between the dictatorship of the proletariat and the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie .
Revisionists have gathered evidence to describe lincoln the racist , lincoln the tyrant , lincoln the crybaby .
Also , at the opposite end of the spectrum , there are muslim doubters , revisionists and reformers , who have had to mute their voices for fear of being branded apostates .
Though some christian revisionists insist that the holy grail is not to be confused with the holy chalice , the vessel which jesus used at the last supper to serve the wine , this has been the historical practice ; various vessels have been put forward as the last supper chalice .
The israeli " revisionists " who in the late 1980s began challenging israel 's account of its conflict with the arabs are notable not only for exploding the standard view of history but for how much they themselves have diverged since .
What children are not taught and how historical revisionists are influencing culture .
In all forms of history , the revisionists and re writers are always at work .