
v.复制( reproduce的过去式和过去分词 );重现;再版;生殖
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- He claimed several successes , but the medical establishment did not embrace his approach , because his results could not be reliably reproduced .
- 他声称有过几次成功案例,但是医疗机构并没有接受他的方法,因为他的成果并不能可靠地被复制。
- The counterfeit and counterpart of nature is reproduced in art .
- 自然的假冒物和对应物都能在艺术中得以重现。
- The model successfully reproduced what scientists have observed happening in the upper atmosphere during changes in solar radiation .
- 模型成功重现了在太阳辐射变化时,科学家已经在高层大气观测到的状况。
- The detail possible with cameras having higher pixel counts cannot be reproduced on such imaging devices and is therefore wasted .
- 通过更高像素数的摄像头拍摄出来的可能性细微部分,是不可能通过这些影像设备重现的,因此相对来说就是浪费。
- Early in the morning , after all but one engineer had gone home , the engineer finally reproduced a system reset on the replica .
- 某天早上,其他工程师都回家了,只剩下一个人在工作,他终于在模型上重现了重启的故障。
- In recent decades , the skeletal figure has been reproduced everywhere from ice-cube trays to political posters .
- 在近几十年,从制冰格到政治海报,无处不是《呐喊》中那个骷髅般人物的复制品。
- Before that , the art of illuminating those beautiful letters and figures in hand reproduced ancient books was called miniaire in italian .
- 在此之前,装饰华美的手写文字和手绘图案来复制古书的艺术,在意大利语中被称为miniaire。
- The risks of being associated with inappropriate or illegally reproduced content might damage a brand 's reputation .
- 与不正当或非法复制的内容相联系的风险,可能会破坏一个品牌的声誉。
- Please do not reproduced , distribute or quote without written permission of the author .
- 未经作者许可,不得复制、传播、引用。
- Ancient dna from woolly mammoths revealed that their blood contained special cold-adapted hemoglobin , which researchers reproduced in bacteria this year .
- 来自毛猛犸象的古生代dna表明,它们的血液中含着特殊的御寒血红蛋白,今年研究者在细菌中对这种血红蛋白进行了复制。