

v.再订购,重新安排,重新排序( reorder的现在分词 )
reordering 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Scan chain reordering changes the order of scan cells .
- 扫描链重排技术即改变扫描正反器之排列顺序。
- Three powerful regulatory agencies must approve any reordering , and there is a strong suspicion that they disagree with each other .
- 要进行任何重组必须得到三个强有力的监管机构同意,可是有理由强烈怀疑他们并不能达成一致。
- Scan chain reordering improves diagnosis resolutions by breaking the continuous unobservable scan cells .
- 扫描链重排技术可藉由打断连续之不可观察的扫描正反器来改善诊断解析度。
- Yet this trend in turn can 't change without a reordering of what economists call " incentives . "
- 但这种趋势反过来不能经济学家所称的“红利”-重构之下,做出改变。
- Make reordering easy - use reminders .
- 使用提醒设置使再订购变得容易。
- The design of scan chain reordering for system-on-chip testing .
- 系统晶片测试之扫描链重序设计。
- We also discuss the timing for reordering and how to optimize fitering rules more in the future .
- 本文还讨论了规则的调整的时机以及规则进一步优化的方法。
- Given the uncertainties of the calculations , such figures can hardly be a blueprint for radically reordering spending priorities .
- 鉴于这种计算的不确定性,这些数字很难作为从根本上重新排列开支优先顺序的依据。
- Financial institutions are increasingly reordering their european exposure along national lines just in case the region splits apart .
- 金融机构正在愈来愈按照国家来重新安排自己在欧洲的风险暴露,以防万一欧元区瓦解。
- Relative frequency of reordering will depend on the setup cost , holding cost and demand at different parties .
- 补货相对频率由各方的需求量,固定成本,库存成本决定。