英音  ['rendəd]    
美音 ['rendəd]    


v.使( render的过去式和过去分词 );放弃;表达;提供(帮助等)

rendered 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Darwin recognised that extinction was an integral part of evolution , sweeping away regiments of species as environmental changes rendered their specialisations redundant .
For many readers , the ability to interact with e-books digitally-searching them automatically , inserting digital bookmarks and annotations , zooming in on the small type-has rendered hardcovers and paperbacks obsolete .
The palestinians , now engaged in a furious factional war of their own , have a government only in name , while israel 's own domestic malaise has rendered its administration almost equally feeble ; both lots of people doomed to share the holy land are unusually short of leaders with courage or vision .
Some bizarre cocktail of endocrine disruptors has rendered her completely catatonic .
In example below , we rendered the youtube logo to the screen .
Not only did alexander not oppose this , but he also rendered it easier by annulling king louis 's previous marriage .
The removal of several lymph nodes from my neck and subsequent radiation treatments have rendered my lymphatic system unable to drain fluids from my head .