英音  ['remnənts]    
美音 ['remnənts]    


n.剩余部分( remnant的名词复数 );残余;零料;零头布

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Most other animals have this functioning dna but at some point in our history , a mutation disbled the gene - whilst leaving behind its remnants as junk dna .
Pakistani security forces are continuing the operations against militants in the tribal area of the country , which washington considers the center of taliban and al-qaeda remnants .
Lin said the planned museum was not just an exhibition building , but encompassed the remnants of the old county seat , and traces left by secondary disasters such as mud-rock flows and quake lakes .
Still , much of egypt 's disparate opposition remains wary of the generals and nervous lest too rapid a transition empowers remnants of the ousted ruling party and the muslim brotherhood , the only broad-based political forces .
Police officers interviewed by theobserversaid the killings were not aimed at gays but were isolated remnants of the sectarian violence that racked the country between 2005 and 2006 .
Hannah was in a stable condition last night , the remnants of her surfboard a reminder of how close she came to losing her life .
Sri lankan troops were today mopping up the remnants of the defeated tamil tigers , amid reports that some rebel fighters have been blowing themselves up rather than surrender .
It will look at some of the most mysterious phenomena in the universe , from the high-speed particle jets that blast from black holes to the remnants of exploded stars known as supernovae .
During this time , the remnants of the taliban slowly regrouped and began preparations to launch a large-scale insurgency , which erupted in 2006 .
Both the taliban and the remnants of al-qaeda are able to take refuge on pakistani soil , which makes the job of the soldiers from western countries who have been struggling to eliminate them for the past five years much more difficult .