

v.欣赏( relish的过去式和过去分词 );从…获得乐趣;渴望

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Being a mythology nut , I relished the inclusion of the old welsh epics and myths in the text .
I relished the time I spent with him , since I sure wasn 't looking forward to school .
There was a time when nicolas sarkozy relished crisis management .
He relished the pomp and ceremony , marching in uniform and palling around with his fellow cadets .
And we all relished the freedom of shifting boundaries ; the extreme polarity of male / female doesn 't necessarily fit who we are and how we write .
Democrats see him as the most dangerous opponent to barack obama , and relished the chance to promote rick santorum , a social conservative whom they think would be a lot easier to beat .
Yomiuri shimbun , the country 's biggest newspaper , relished reporting the " 21 key national strategy projects " and " about 330 policy items " up for change .
How he must have relished hearing his british counterpart , david cameron , say this month that his government would not let " phoney human-rights concerns " get in the way of hunting down rioters and looters .
Given japanese treatment of prisoners of war , participants from some european countries may not have relished one of the bonding experiences organised by the hosts : a visit to the yasukuni shrine , the resting place for the souls of some of japan 's worst war criminals .
Both men , one suspects , would have relished taking their battle online .